Anicura Aarhus

Less is more
An often relevant perspective, is the amount time it takes for instruments to be washed, disinfected, sterilized, packaged and ready for use.
At Anicura, this entire process is highly effective and the instrument inventory can be held at a very minimum. This means fewer instruments overall and less capital tied up in inventory.

The solution
Involving KEN at an early stage of the process allowed for support from engineers and consultants, which turned out to be essential for process of the project.
A IQ5 Washer Disinfector was chosen for the high capacity, compact design and wide range of accessories. The capacity was crucial for the Matachana S100 Sterilizer as well, being equipped with a triple rack for standard instruments.
The solution includes a customized service plan.
“We’ve had several years with products and services from KEN and we couldn’t think of any better solution for our new CSSD”
Anicura Aarhus
The expansion of Anicura has almost doubled the size of the facility, making it one of the largest veterinary surgical centres in Denmark.
The new facilities are state of the art and fitted with all the equipment you expect from a modern hospital – even for human standards.
The central sterile services department is a vital element when you are raising the bar, the way Anicura does. On a regular day 30 veterinary doctors will operate and treat patients, hereby producing a substantial amount of dirty instruments.