BWD 738

Experience reliable washing and disinfection combined with minimized water, chemical, and energy consumption.

The BWD series prioritizes user safety and ease of use. These machines ensure an ergonomically correct working position, simple operation, and automatic emptying of bedpans to prevent splashes and odors. Additionally, hands-free operation is an option by means of a foot pedal.

The Bedpan Washer Disinfector 738 has been specially designed to ensure the safe and hygienic handling of bedpans, urine bottles, and similar items. The optimal washing solution for hospitals and nursing homes.

The machine has a capacity of one bedpan and three urine bottles or three bedpans. It can also accommodate three washing bowls or one utensil basket.

This machine is a put-through model.

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BWD 738 Bedpan Washer Disinfector

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Compact Design

It can be placed in compact spaces if needed and thus you can benefit from the frontal service access.

High Capacity

The design of the large chamber allows you to be efficient and wash more items per cycle.

Low Consumption

Engineered to reduce consumption and set new standards while saving water, electricity, and chemistry.

Put-Through Model

This Bedpan Washer Disinfector is designed as a put-through model with two doors, which effectively ensures a separation between the unclean and the clean side, thus maximizing the level of hygiene and reducing the risk of hospital infections.

Are you interested in a Bedpan Washer Disinfector with a large capacity but with one door, then our BWD 736 could be the solution


Washing System

The washing system consists of a single tank equipped with a high-capacity wash pump. Constructed in stainless steel 316L, this tank serves as a water tank for the cleaning process and as an integrated steam generator.

This combi-tank not only disinfects the items inside the washing chamber, but also automatically performs a self-disinfection of the tank, pump, nozzles, and the water distribution system after each cycle.

There is another way

We have a common duty to do better for our planet. At KEN we ask, “is there another way?”. We challenge the massive usage of single-use items in the Healthcare and Life Science industries, and we always aim to evolve our solutions and options with environmental responsibility in mind.

Read more about our initiatives.

Bedpan Washer Disinfector 738


Utensil Basket

A special utensil basket is available for washing kidney bowls, scissors, and other small items. 

Holder for Wash Bowls

Accommodating a majority of washing bowls worldwide. 

Holder for Commode and Urine Bottles

Accommodating a majority of commodes and urine bottles worldwide. 

Holder for Bedpans

Accommodating a majority bedpans worldwide. 

Holder for Bedpan and Urine Bottles

Accommodating a majority of bedpans and urine bottles worldwide. 

Bedpan Washer Disinfector 738

Additional information

If you are looking for certificates, please see our certificates overview.

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