Privacy Policy


You can read a description of the KEN’s personal-data policy here.


The purpose of KEN’s personal-data policy is to explain how we collect, protect and use personal data. We fully respect all requests for confidentiality regarding personal data, and we are aware of the need for appropriate protection and proper processing of all personal data we receive. KEN’s objective is to protect your personal data, regardless of where it is collected and how it is passed on or stored.

In this context personal data covers all data that can be used to identify a person, including but not limited to their first and last name, their home address or other physical address and their email address or other contact details, regardless of whether this data relates to the person’s private residence, their place of work or their status as a holder of sole proprietorship or as a shareholder in a company.

What personal data does KEN collect?

KEN needs certain items of personal data in order to carry out business and only collects the requisite personal data.

To whom will KEN disclose personal data?

KEN exchanges personal data with subsidiaries in order to meet sales and delivery obligations.

KEN will only disclose personal data if this is required by law, or in the event of a court order.
It the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Data Protection Act that determine how KEN should process your data.

You can read here how we process your data and what rights you have.

Processing of personal data means all forms of handling personal data. The following are typical forms of processing: collection, registration, systematization, storage, disclosure, comparison and deletion.

KEN is the data controller for the personal data on you that we process. This means it is KEN’s responsibility that your personal data be processed in accordance with applicable

regulations and laws, even if some personal data is processed by KEN’s external data processors, e.g. IT suppliers. As a data controller, it is also KEN that you should contact if you wish to exercise your rights, e.g. to access to your personal data or have it corrected.

KEN processes personal data with which you yourself have provided KEN. This can be data you have provided in connection with your employment or your customer or supplier registration. KEN often discloses personal data to other public authorities as part of its general remit, and in some instances, KEN is obliged to disclose data. We can pass on data to the Tax Appeals Agency, the police, the courts, and other relevant authorities.

You have a number of rights when KEN processes personal data about you. You can read more about these rights below. If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us.

Right of notification

KEN is obliged to notify you when it collects and processes personal data about you. You have the right to be notified of the purpose and legal basis of the processing.

KEN may in certain situations be exempted from the obligation to notify you. This applies, for example, if you are already familiar with the data, or if private or public interests take precedence over your interest in accessing the data.

Right of access

As a rule, you have the right to access KEN’s processing of your personal data. This means you have the right to confirmation that data about you is being processed, as well as access to a number of further items of information, e.g. the period of time for which the data will be stored, or to whom the data is to be disclosed.

Right to correction

You have the right to have incorrect data about you corrected.

Right to deletion

In special instances, e.g. if the personal data is no longer current for us, you have the right to have data about you deleted before our regular general deletion takes place.

Right to limited processing

In certain instances, you have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. If you are entitled to restricted processing we will in future only be able to process this restricted data – except for storage – if we have your consent, or we have to protect another person.

Right of objection

In certain instances, you have the right to object to our otherwise legal processing of your personal data, e.g. concerning specific information on you.

Right to receive data or have it transferred (data portability)

In certain instances, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured,

commonly used and machine-readable format, and to have this personal data transferred from one data controller to another without hindrance.

The data on you that KEN collects and processes will be processed and stored in KEN’s IT systems.

We will delete your personal data when it no longer serves an objective purpose. The specific time of deletion depends on the requisite storage of the data in order to meet the purpose of collection.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the way KEN is processing your personal data.

The Data Protection Agency is the independent central authority that supervises adherence to the regulations of the personal-data legislation.

There are several laws regulating the processing of personal data. The regulations are intended to protect people’s basic rights and freedoms in connection with the processing of their personal data.

General rules on the processing of personal data are to be found in the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act.

How does KEN collect personal data?

In addition to the information you yourself provide in connection with the ordering of offers or services, we use cookies on our website. Cookies are digital information packages that the website stores on your hard drive. No personally identifiable data is stored in a cookie.

Version 2.0

Approved: 2020.11.24

Document no: EN3.PA.10

Area Manager: Chair.GDPR