Viborg CSSD

Automated CSSD
The Central Sterile Supply Department at Viborg Regional Hospital is the very first to implement autonomous robots and therefore a milestone for healthcare and for KEN Hygiene Systems.
The CSSD is an essential unit at the Regional Hospital of Viborg, serving approximately 20 departments and units across the entire hospital. Viborg is the first CSSD to implement the AL10 robots and celebrated 5 years of successful operation in 2024.

Auto pilot ON
The new technology does not result in fewer staff. Instead, the center’s capacity and task flow have been expanded, allowing the specialized employees to focus on inspecting, sterilizing, and maintaining the 37,000 instruments that circulate between the CSSD, the operating room, and the hospital’s other departments.
Multiple IQ6 Washer Disinfectors with three AL10 robots and S1000 Sterilizers. Equipped with racks for standard instruments, Da Vinci instruments and MIS instruments.
“In this way, we can avoid a lot of heavy lifting, repetitive movements, and twisting of the body. This also means that our skilled employees can spend their time and energy on specialized tasks rather than simple tasks like moving instruments around”